

Public Computer Farms

Every student, from any physics study track can use the department public computers room 208 (near the library). 
In order to use them, you must open an account via Computer Farm Site.
In order to gain access to the computer farm during the night, you need your student card to be encoded, by Miki Blais

LocationEquipmentGet Account
Computer Farm
Scanner, 3 Printers , wireless communication


E-mail Account

Every undergraduate student receives a letter from the Undergraduate School that contains instructions for opening an Technion's account in computer and getting a secret code.


Connecting a laptop to the network using WiFI

Location: Library, Lobby, outside halls 323 and 001.

Connect to the wireless network named "TechSec" using your username and password of your Technion's account,in the following way:  username

You also need to configure your laptop accordingly.