"Generation of only even-order high harmonics"

TYPESpecial Seminar - Solid State Institute, Technion
Speaker:Mr. Tzvi Diskin
Affiliation:Physics Department and Solid State Institute, Technion
Location:Solid State Auditorium(Entrance)
Remark:M.Sc. Student of Associate Professor Oren Cohen

High harmonic generation (HHG) of visible and infrared laser pulses is a useful process for production of coherent extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray radiation from a tabletop system. While a typical spectrum of HHG consists of only odd-order harmonics, HHG spectra of both even and odd harmonics were also demonstrated. In this talk I will present the first method for generating only even-order high harmonics (i.e. without odd-order harmonics). The method is based on quasi-phase matching that enhances only the even-order harmonics.