Unlocking Israel's Unconventional Resources

Speaker:Dr. Scott Nguyen
Affiliation:VP-Technology IEI
Location:Lidow Rosen Auditorium (323)
Abstract:With the increasing world demand of energy and in particular
transportation fuel, new and alternative sources of energy must be
found and developed.  Unconventional resources in the form of oil
shale and heavy oil could provide a substantial fraction of future
energy demand.  Oil shale is found in Israel, and recent studies by
the Geological Survey of Israel estimate oil shale resources in Israel
has the potential to supply ~250 billion barrels of oil, larger than
the current reserves in Saudia Arabia.  In this talk, we will discuss
the novel in-situ technology being developed to unlock the
unconventional resources of Israel and how it overcomes many of the
previous challenges in developing such resources.