"Self-Accelerating Wavepackets in Nonlinear Optics, Electromagnetism, and Quantum Mechanics"

TYPESpecial Seminar - Solid State Institute, Technion
Speaker:Mr. Ido Kaminer
Affiliation:Physics Department and Solid State Institute, Technion
Location:Solid State Auditorium(Entrance)
Remark:Ph.D. Student of Distinguished Professor Moti Segev
Abstract:The past six years have witnessed extensive research on accelerating optical beams: wavepackets
propagating along a curved trajectory without changing their shape. Research on this topic has
demonstrated a variety of applications, ranging from particle manipulations on curved trajectories to
curved plasma channels induced by such bending beams. However, since these accelerating wavepackets
were first proposed, it was generally believed that (1) nonlinear shape-preserving accelerating solutions do
not exist, and (2) accelerating wavepackets exist only in the paraxial domain, where the wave equation is
equivalent to the Schrödinger equation.
My research has demonstrated otherwise: in 2011 we proposed shape-preserving accelerating nonlinearlyself-trapped beams, and a year later we have demonstrated accelerating solutions of the full Maxwell
equations. Both of these were demonstrated experimentally soon thereafter, and have made a major impact
on the entire field of accelerating beams. I will review parts of my work, and discuss recent progress
having to do with accelerating Dirac fermions, and the universality of accelerating wavepackets, relevant to
all wave systems in nature.