"Spatial arranged ZnO nanowires: developing technologies for future applications"

TYPESpecial Seminar - Solid State Institute, Technion
Speaker:Professor Margit Zacharias
Affiliation:Faculty of Engineering, IMTEK, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany
Location:Solid State Auditorium(Entrance)
Remark:Host: Professor Dan Ritter
Semiconductor  nanowire  devices  have  several  properties  which  match  future  requirements  of  scaling
down  the  size  of  electronics.  In  typical  microelectronics  production,  a  number  of  microstructures  are
aligned  precisely  on  top  of  each  other  during  the  fabrication  process.  In  the  case  of  nanowires,  this
mandatory condition is still hard to achieve. A technological breakthrough is needed to accurately place
nanowires at any specific position and then form devices in mass production. In this talk I will give an
overview about nano-templating methods used for positioning nanowires [1]. A new up -scalable process
combining conventional micromachining with phase shift lithography will be demonstrated as a suitable
tool for nanowire device technology [2]. Vertical Si and ZnO nanowires are demonstrated on very large
(several 2cm)  areas.  We  demonstrate  how  the  nanowire  positions  can  be  controlled,  and  the  resulting
nanowires are used for device fabrication. In addition, simple ways for ZnO based nanowire sensors will
be  demonstrated  and  discussed  [3].  Core-shell  nanowires  will  be  shown  and  the  influence  of  the
Kirkendall effect for the preparation of hollow nanotubes will be discussed [4].
[1] H.J. Fan, P. Werner, M. Zacharias, Small 2 (2006) 700.
[2] K. Subannajui, F. Güder, M. Zacharias, Nano Letters (2011) 11 (2011) 3513.
[3] A. Menzel, K. Subannajui, F. Moser. O. Paul. M. Zacharias, Adv. Funct. Materials
21 (2011) 4342.
[4] H.J. Fan, M. Knez, R. Scholz, D. Hesse, K. Nielsch, M. Zacharias, U. Gösele, Nano