Gravitational Repulsion within a Black-Hole using the Stueckelberg Quantum Formalism

TYPETheor./Math. Physics Seminar
Speaker:Doron Ludwin
Location:Lidow Asher Peres (502)
Remark:PhD seminar
Abstract:I will demonstrate an application of Stueckelberg's relativistic quantum theory in the framework of general relativity.
I will show the form of the wave equation of a massive body in the presence of the Schwarzschild gravitational field, and treat the mathematical behavior of the wavefunction also around and beyond the horizon (r = 2M).
Classically, within the horizon, the time component of the metric becomes spacelike and distance from the origin singularity becomes timelike, suggesting an inevitable propagation of all matter within the horizon to a total collapse at r = 0. However, the quantum description of the wave function provides a different understanding of the behavior of matter within the horizon. The results of the equation show that a test particle can never be found at the origin and is more probable to be found at the horizon.
Matter outside the horizon has a very small wave length and therefore interference effects can be found only on a very small atomic scale. However, within the horizon, matter becomes totally "tachionic" and is potentially "spread" over all space. Small location uncertainties on the atomic scale become large around the horizon, and different mass components of the wave function can therefore interfere on a stellar scale. This interference phenomenon, where the probability of finding matter decreases as a function of the distance from the horizon, appears as an effective gravitational repulsion.