Confinement and fractionalization in three-components fermionic atomic gases in a 1D optical lattice

TYPECondensed Matter Seminar
Speaker:Patrick Azaria
Affiliation:Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Location:Lidow Asher Peres (502)
Abstract:Confinement and fractionalization in three-components fermionic
atomic gases in a 1D optical lattice"

In this talk I shall discuss the low energy physics of  generic 3-components
fermionic atoms loaded in a 1D optical lattice. I shall argue that at
generic fillings,
the low-energy excitations are made of bound states of 3 atoms, the
trions. In contrast, at half-filling
and sufficiently weak couplings, the low-energy excitations  carry
a fractional number of atoms 3/2. The  phase diagram as a function
of couplings and density will be presented and a possible experimental
realization with a mixture made  of three hyperfine levels  of $^6$Li atoms
will be briefly discussed.