Novel Directions in Relativistic Quantum Information

Speaker:David Edward Bruschi
Organizer:Jeff Steinhauer
Time:14:30 - 15:30
Location:Lidow Nathan Rosen (300)
Abstract:The past decades have witnessed the birth of the first generation of quantum technologies, with applications that range from quantum key distribution (QKD), to quantum computing (QC) and ultra-precise measurements of physical parameters (quantum parameter estimation). Quantum mechanics, the theory of the very small, has been employed successfully as the main building block to investigate and describe those systems that are at the core of these technologies. So far relativity, the theory of the very large, has been ignored, most likely due to the overwhelming experimental evidence that relativistic effects seem not to play a role. However, cutting edge experiments have reached regimes where relativistic effects cannot be ignored. It is an open question if and how relativity will play a role in developing the next generation of quantum technologies, and what will be the consequences. The new field of Relativistic Quantum Information (RQI) aims at understanding the effects of relativity on paradigmatic quantum resources, such as entanglement. Recent work has shown that localised quantum systems moving at high speeds, or subject to space-time dynamics, can in principle be used to exploit these relativistic effects to improve current technologies and to achieve ultra-precise measurements of physically interesting parameters. We will discuss recent progress in the area of relativistic and quantum information. We will propose space-based schemes for ultra-precise measurements of relevant relativistic parameters, such as distances and the Schwarzschild radius. Furthermore, we will discuss a novel proposal for the detection of gravitational waves which is based on dynamical Casimir-like resonances of phononic excitations within micrometer quantum systems, known as Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs). This daring proposal promises to shift the current paradigm of km-size laser interferometers, such as LIGO. Finally, we will present future avenues and applications of our techniques. We believe that the results of our research can aid our understanding of the overlap of relativity and quantum mechanics and, ultimately, in the quest for a unified theory of nature.