Neutral modes measurements in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime

TYPECondensed Matter Seminar
Speaker:Merav Dolev
Location:Lidow Nathan Rosen (300)

The discovery of neutral (energy carrying) edge modes in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime (Bid et. al. Nature, 2010) opened a new and fascinating field of research. In this talk, I will discuss fractional quantum Hall states in which an upstream neutral mode had been recently observed. In particular, I will focus on fractional quantum Hall states in the second Landau level (ν=8/3, ν=5/2 and ν=7/3), which may support non abelian quasiparticles. Since non abelian quasiparticles are expected to carry a fractional charge and a unique form of a chiral neutral edge mode, charge measurement accompanied with neutral mode detection measurement may provide an indication for possible non abelian candidates.