The Beginnings of Quantum Nonlinear Optics

Speaker: Professor Amnon Yariv
Affiliation:Department of Applied Physics, Caltech
Organizer:Prof. Adi Nusser
Location:Lidow Rosen Auditorium (323)


The talk will describe the personal and scientific circumstances that

led to the first formulation of quantum non linear optics in 1961 and

the prediction of Spontaneous Parametric Fluoresence  . These all

arose from microwave engineering considerations. The relationship   to

recent developments in quantum optomechanics will be described. If

time permits I will describe some recent research at Caltech.

The talk will describe the personal and scientific circumstances thatled to the first formulation of quantum nonlinear optics in 1961 and  the prediction of Spontaneous Parametric Fluoresence  . These all  arose from microwave engineering considerations. The relationship   to  recent developments in quantum optomechanics will be described. If  time permits I will describe some recent research at Caltech.