Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism

Organizer:Netanel Lindner
Dates:20.06 - 24.06.2016
Time:All Day
Abstract:Quantum magnetism, the study of spin systems where quantum mechanical effects play an important role, has been a fascinating and fruitful field of condensed matter physics in the last several decades. Insights borrowed from studying quantum spin systems found numerous applications in a vast variety of other research areas, such as the theory of quantum phase transitions, the study of correlated electron materials, and of systems of ultra-cold atoms. Much of the thinking of scientists in the field of correlated electron systems is based on the language developed to handle quantum magnetism.

Despite being a well-developed field, we are still witnessing ongoing rapid progress across many fronts. These include the discovery of new materials which exhibit “spin liquid” behavior; simple theoretical models capturing these phases; and breakthroughs in our understanding of dynamics of strongly interacting quantum critical points, including developments of numerical and string theory tools.