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עמוס ירום


סגל אקדמי

נושא מחקר:   פיזיקה לאנרגיות גבוהות
משרד:LITP חדר: 414 טלפון: 073-378-2327 
אתר בית:
Research Interests & Publications:  

Field of research: Theoretical high energy physics

My research focuses on applying string theory and field theory techniques to a variety of systems ranging from heavy ion collisions through relativistic hydrodynamics, superfluids, steady states to entanglement. My recent works have focused on the role of quantum anomalies in entanglement entropy, a description of steady states in conformal field theories, non isotropic phases of matter using non isotropic phases of black holes, and a possible stellar propulsion mechanism due to a subtle quantum mechanical effect. Apart from expanding on several of these topics I am interested in some novel descriptions of hydrodynamics, either using supersymmetric theory, or via a dual black hole description.