Announcing ASCOS III - Astrophysics & Cosmology Student Conference 22/08/23
The Technion-Physics Astrophysics students are organizing a conference for astrophysics and cosmology graduate students. The goal of this conference is to foster interactions and collaborations between students, also from other universities. In most conferences, students are not necessarily given lecture slots/the opportunity to discuss their research with other students.
The conference will take place on 22/08/23
ASCOS III is an astrophysics & cosmology student conference, whose main objective is to allow graduate students to meet and interact with each other. This will be a one-day conference at the faculty of physics at the Technion in Haifa, and all Ph.D. and M.Sc. astrophysics/cosmology students are invited to register and submit an abstract. The conference will consist of a series of talks, with a preference for as wide a representation of topics and/or universities as possible, as well as a poster competition, and plenty of time for discussions and interactions between students from different universities.