Conference in memoriam of Shmuel Fishman, 16-19.5.2022
This week, May 16-19, 2022, we’re holding in our department the conference "From Chaos to Thermalization".
The conference is being organized in memory of Shmuel Fishman and involves talks by experts in some of the fields that Shmuel worked in extensively.
In addition to the scientific talks, a memorial for Shmuel will be held today, May 17 at 16:30, during which family and friends will share stories and words about Shmuel.
The memorial will be held in Auditorium 323 in the Physics Department, and will also be broadcast on Zoom.
Zoom link: https://technion.zoom.us/j/95052136092
The program can be found here: https://phsites.technion.ac.il/from-chaos-to-thermalization/program/. Please note that the program may still change, so make sure to consult it again closer to the date of the conference.
All scientific talks will be held at the Solid State Institute in the Technion, near the Physics Department.
Hope to see you there,
Daniel Podolsky