Monday 09/16/24 12:30- 13:30
Quantum open system in the strong coupling regime |
Chemistry Faculty Seminar Room |
Ohad Cremerman |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 09/15/24 12:30- 13:30
Phase transition in the H^0|4 model |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Tom Derfler |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 08/11/24 09:30- 10:30
Generic Local Quantum Channels Give Rise to Quasi Local Gibbs states |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Omer Gurevich |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 08/08/24 12:30- 13:30
A Block Belief-Propagation Algorithm for the Contraction of Tensor-Networks |
Solid State Auditorium(Entrance) |
Nir Gutman |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 07/17/24 12:30- 13:30
Effective Mass of Spin Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensate |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Basel Ghadban |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 07/09/24 10:30- 02:00
Underwater electrical wire explosions as an attractive method to study High Energy Density Physics |
Lidow 620 |
Daniel Maler |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 06/16/24 14:30- 15:30
Probing the fundamental physics of the 5th force through Milky Way satellites |
Lidow Asher Peres (502) |
Eyal Zamlung |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 05/16/24 11:00- 12:00
Effective dimer model and RVB spin liquid phase in Mott insulators with enlarged local Hilbert space |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Itay Davidovitch |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 05/15/24 12:30- 13:30
A blockBP decoder for the surface code |
Solid State Auditorium(Entrance) |
Aviad Kaufmann |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 05/08/24 13:30- 15:00
Quantifying antiferromagnetism in a topologically ordered tetratic |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Jalal Abu Ahmad Wawi |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 05/07/24 10:00- 11:00
Low Temperature Specific Heat of the TaS2 1T, 2H and 4Hb Polytypes |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Ilay Mangel |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 03/22/23 10:00- 02:00
High-resolution spectroscopy of laser-produced L-shell molybdenum plasma |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Eran Daniel |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 03/19/23 11:30- 12:30
Constructing approximate spin-parent Hamiltonians for Gutzwiller-projected states |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Inbar Kazes |
Student Seminar |
Monday 02/13/23 13:30- 14:30
Efficient Learning of 2-local Commuting Hamiltonians |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Noam Lohev |
Student Seminar |
Monday 02/06/23 13:30- 14:30
A Loopy Belief Propagation Algorithm for Tensor Network Contraction |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Inbal Peres |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 12/28/22 11:30- 02:00
Towards an optimal impedance matched Josephson parametric amplifier |
Lidow 620 |
Boaz Koren |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 08/23/22 14:30- 15:30
Unconventional superconductivity and the electronic structure of 4Hb-TaS2 |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Avior Almoalem |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 04/10/22 11:00- 12:30
- 2022-04-10
Interaction of Ultra-Short High-Power Microwaves with Plasma |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Yang Cao |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 03/02/22 10:30- 02:00
- 2022-03-02
Exploring electrically driven CDW phase transitions in 1T-TaS2 using thermal imaging |
Lidow 620 |
Yaron Jarach |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 02/10/22 13:00- 14:00
Entanglement of a scalar quantum field from its heat kernel on a leaky cone |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Hava Granovsky |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 08/04/21 14:30- 15:30
Demonstration of an entangling gate between non-interacting superconducting qubits using the quantum Zeno effect |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Eliya Blumenthal |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 06/27/21 15:30- 16:30
Distinguishable Particles on a Lattice and SU(n) Symmetry |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Vilie Grampel |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 06/16/21 12:30- 02:00
Antiferromagnetic frustration in the tetratic phase resolved by topological order |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Daniel Abutbul |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 06/16/21 10:30- 11:30
The Superconductor-Conductor Junction: A Model For Decoherence |
Lidow 333 |
Tomer Ravid |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 06/13/21 16:00- 17:00
High Energy Density Physics studies with Shock Waves |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Alexander Rososhek |
Student Seminar |
Monday 03/08/21 10:00- 11:30
- 2021-03-08
Laboratory X-ray absorption of inter stellar molecular and atomic species |
Lidow Asher Peres (502) |
Itay Gissis |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 07/23/20 10:30- 11:30
Generation of high-frequency electron beam space charge self-oscillations | |
Meytal Siman Tov |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 02/12/20 13:30- 14:30
- 2020-02-12
Towards super-resolution quantum astronomy |
Lidow Asher Peres (502) |
Gal Gumpel |
Student Seminar |
Monday 01/13/20 09:30- 10:30
- 2020-01-13
Is the surface fluid during surface melting? A study of the surface shear resistance of solid Gallium |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Almog Danzig |
Student Seminar |
Monday 12/23/19 10:30- 11:30
- 2019-12-23
Measuring the stiffness and Coherence length of 2D superconductors |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Nitsan Blau |
Student Seminar |
Monday 12/02/19 09:30- 10:30
Hall sign reversal in Bi2212 thin films |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Yuval Nitzav |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 09/24/19 14:30- 15:30
Locality of information in tensor networks quantum states |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Raz Firanko |
Student Seminar |
Monday 08/19/19 10:30- 02:00
Scaling relations in relativistic turbulence |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Amit Sarid |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 06/12/19 09:00- 10:00
- 2019-06-12
Ab Initio Potentials and Hyperfine Constants for Electronically Excited K-3He |
Lidow 620 |
Anatoli Tsinovoy |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 04/16/19 13:00- 14:00
Hydration structure of single DNA molecules and deviations from canonical B-form revealed by high resolution FM-AFM |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Kfir Kuchuk |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 04/04/19 16:30- 17:30
Equations of Motion for an object inside a medium |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Aviv Rabinovich |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 03/27/19 13:00- 14:00
- 2019-03-27
Quantifying order outside of equilibrium |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Yuval Lemberg |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 03/14/19 16:30- 17:30
Long-range forces mediated by conserving non-isotropic diffusive systems |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Roy Rabaglia |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 03/14/19 10:30- 02:00
Hydra regeneration under mechanical forces by a magnetic field |
Lidow Asher Peres (502) |
Jonathan Shevah |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 02/03/19 14:30- 15:30
- 2019-02-03
Thermalization in open quantum systems |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Israel Reichental |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 01/20/19 09:30- 10:30
The evolution of skyrmions in Ir/Fe/Co/Pt multilayers and their topological Hall signature |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Alon Yagil |
Student Seminar |
Monday 01/14/19 11:30- 12:30
E-string compactifications and the van Diejen model |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Belal Nazzal |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 12/27/18 13:00- 14:00
- 2018-12-27
Multiple ground states of the transition-metal dichalcogenide TaS2 |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Amit Ribak |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 05/15/18 16:30- 17:30
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of random systems and relevant numerical methods |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Tal Kachman |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 03/20/18 09:30- 10:30
- 2018-03-20
New method to measure close range forces and membrane fusion using dual trap optical tweezers |
Faculty of biology Auditorium |
Roman Kreiserman |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 03/04/18 13:30- 14:30
- 2018-03-04
What makes a hydrophobic surface hydrophobic? |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Itai Schlesinger |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 01/28/18 10:30- 02:00
- 2018-01-28
Computation of the renormalized inside Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom black holes |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Assaf Lanir |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 12/26/17 16:00- 17:00
- 2017-12-26
Fluctuation-Induced Forces in Driven Diffusive Systems |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Avi Aminov |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 12/05/17 14:00- 16:00
- 2017-12-05
The interaction of intense, sub-nanosecond microwave beam with plasma |
Lidow 620 |
Guy Shafir |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 11/14/17 16:31- 02:00
- 2017-11-14
Forces In Active Systems |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Nicolai Nicola |
Student Seminar |
Monday 09/25/17 11:00- 12:30
- 2017-09-25
Characterization of plasma source for plasma wake-field research |
Lidow Asher Peres (502) |
Yang Cao |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 09/17/17 12:00- 02:00
- 2017-09-17
Calculating the Hall anomaly in the t-J model |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Oren Neumann |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 09/12/17 15:00- 02:00
- 2017-09-12
Quantum energy near the Cauchy horizon of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole |
Lidow Asher Peres (502) |
Or sela |
Student Seminar |
Monday 09/04/17 11:30- 02:00
- 2017-09-04
Holographic Turbulence in a Large Number of Dimensions |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Evyatar Sabag |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 05/28/17 13:30- 02:00
- 2017-05-28
Generation of Strong Converging Shock Waves by Underwater Electrical Explosion of a Wire Array |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
David Yanuka |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 05/24/17 13:30- 02:00
- 2017-05-24
Segmented Gamma-Ray Scintillator Detectors with Directional Capabilities |
Lidow Asher Peres (502) |
Lee Yacobi |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 05/16/17 10:30- 02:00
- 2017-05-16
Less indeed may be more |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Shahaf S. Asban |
Student Seminar |
Monday 05/15/17 16:30- 02:00
- 2017-05-15
Regularization of the stress-energy tensor, and semi-classical effects in black holes |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Adam Levi |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 05/07/17 11:00- 02:00
- 2017-05-07
Externally induced oscillations stabilizes ecological models |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Niv Cohen |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 03/23/17 10:30- 02:00
- 2017-03-23
Dislocation Mediated Melting in Antiferromagnetic Systems |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Itamar Shamai |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 03/01/17 14:30- 02:00
- 2017-03-01
Tuning across the BCS-BEC crossover in superconducting Fe_(1+y) Se_x Te_(1-x) : An angle-resolved photoemission study |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Shahar Rinott |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 02/09/17 10:30- 02:00
- 2017-02-09
Improving Magnetic-Mirror Confinement with RF Modulation |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Omri Seemann |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 01/19/17 14:30- 02:00
- 2017-01-19
Capture of free-floating planets by stellar systems |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Nadav Gulinski |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 11/23/16 14:30- 02:00
- 2016-11-23
Local measurement of the London penetration depth across the superconducting dome in (Ba1-xKx)Fe2As2 |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Avior Almoalem |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 07/20/16 14:30- 15:30
- 2016-07-20
Intermittent accretion disk production in core-collapse supernovae |
Lidow 620 |
Avishai Gilkis |
Student Seminar |
Monday 07/04/16 14:30- 15:30
- 2016-07-04
Investigation of the Gravitational Shock Wave Inside Charged Black Holes |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Ehud Eilon |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 06/19/16 13:30- 14:30
- 2016-06-19
Pressure of Actin Filaments |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Boris Timchenko |
Student Seminar |
Wednesday 03/16/16 14:30- 02:00
- 2016-03-16
Thermalization of open quantum systems out of equilibrium |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Anat Klempner |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 03/13/16 10:30- 12:30
- 2016-03-13
Charge-based separation of proteins and peptides by electrically induced dynamic pH profiles |
Lidow Asher Peres (502) |
Elad Brod |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 02/14/16 16:00- 17:00
- 2016-02-14
Phasing of a multi-aperture telescope on a nearby planet |
Lidow Asher Peres (502) |
Pavel Yatvetsky |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 01/03/16 14:30- 16:30
- 2016-01-03
Numerical simulations of plasma formation in high-power microwave compressor |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Moshe Donskoy |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 12/31/15 10:30- 02:00
- 2015-12-31
Temperature changes of Fe8 single molecular magnet during tunneling and its implications to the tunneling theory |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Maayan Yaari |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 12/20/15 14:30- 02:00
- 2015-12-20
Underwater Electrical Wire Array Explosion and Shock Wave Generation in Water |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Oleg Antonov |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 12/17/15 11:30- 02:00
- 2015-12-17
Calculation of the Hall Conductivity of the 2D t-J model using exact diagonalization |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Omer Yair |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 11/19/15 10:30- 02:00
- 2015-11-19
Diamagnetic Vortex Barrier Stripes in Underdoped BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Alon Yagil |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 11/08/15 14:30- 02:00
- 2015-11-08
Characterization of the explosive emission cathodes for hollow high-current electron beam generation. |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Meytal Kreif |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 10/29/15 10:30- 02:00
- 2015-10-29
Detection of a Quantum Friction mechanism in solid 4He |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Almog Danzig |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 10/18/15 14:30- 02:00
- 2015-10-18
A simple model for interacting Bosons in one dimensional and quasi-one dimensional systems |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Hagar Veksler |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 08/04/15 11:30- 12:30
- 2015-08-04
Search for charged long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8TeV |
Lidow Nathan Rosen (300) |
Revital Kopeliansky |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 06/23/15 11:30- 12:30
- 2015-06-23
Unusual Fluctuations in Absorbing State Models |
Lewiner Seminar Room (412) |
Daniel Hexner |
Student Seminar |
Thursday 05/28/15 10:30- 11:30
- 2015-05-28
Lidow 620 |
Dima Kalaev |
Student Seminar |
Tuesday 05/26/15 11:30- 02:00
- 2015-05-26
Far Field Spesckle Correlations |
Lidow 605 |
David Karl |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 05/11/14 10:30- 02:00
- 2014-05-11
Strong converging shock waves generated by underwater electrical explosions of wire arrays |
Lidow 620 |
David Yanuka |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 02/17/13 15:30- 16:30
- 2013-02-17
Shot Noise In LASCO Wires |
Lidow 724 |
Yosi Vaserman |
Student Seminar |
Sunday 05/06/12 12:30- 02:00
Acoustic black holes in the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) |
Lidow 724 |
Alexander Bliumkin |
Student Seminar |