in memoriam

נתן רוזן



Distinguished Professor Emeritus

הספד לזכרו של נתן רוזן מפי פרופ' אשר פרס

קורות חייו של נתן רוזן

סילבוס הקורס הראשון שניתן בטכניון ע"י נתן רוזן

Volumes in Honor of Nathan Rosen

  • Foundations of Physics vol. 14, nos. 10-12 (1984) .

Invited Papers dedicated to Prof. Nathan Rosen on his Seventy-Fifith Birthday.

  • The Dilemma of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen - 60 years later: An International Symposium in Honour of Nathan Rosen - Haifa, March 1995.

Edited by : A. Mann and M. Revzen (includes Prof. Rosen's list of publications)

Obituray by Yuval Ne'eman

Obituary by Mark Israelit

Some Reflection on EPR by Nathan Rosen

Obituaries published by the Israel Academy of Sciences

Yakir Aharonov (on Nathan Rosen and quantum theory)

Jacob Bekenstein (on Nathan Rosen and general relativity)

Paul Singer (on Nathan Rosen and elementary particles)