
Weak gravitational lensing at the dawn of Euclid and Rubin-LSST

TYPEAstrophysics Seminar
Speaker:Robert Reischke
Affiliation:, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Time:14:30 - 15:30
Location:Lidow 620

With ESA’s Euclid mission and its North American counterpart Euclid only a few months away, weak gravitational lensing is supposed to enter a golden era, enabling tight constraints on cosmology and fundamental physics. Current surveys such as the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) or the Dark Energy Survey have finished operations and are carrying out their legacy analysis, thus setting the blueprint for the new missions and thus pave the way into this new era of precession (and hopefully accurate) cosmology

In this talk, I am going to review weak gravitational lensing of the large-scale-structure, also known as cosmic shear. I will focus on the analysis carried out in KiDS and will discuss some of the main challenges in current analysis and how they will propagate to Euclid/Rubin-LSST and beyond. In particular, I want to discuss non-linear modelling, intrinsic alignments and baryonic feedback. Lastly, I will examine particular science goals for cosmic shear observations in the future and what it will take for those upcoming surveys to live up to their promises of entering an era of late-time precision cosmology