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Building maintenance

Building Services

Building Supervisor

Miki Blais
Miki Blais
Building Supervisor

  Lidow Complex (374)

Miki gives a solution for every maintenance problem in the building and infrastructure.

Reporting maintenance issues

By email to:

Verbal: Misha Goldberg - at the shelter room in the corridor from New wing to the old wing.

  • Morning:

    09:30am to 10:15am

  • Afternoon:

    03:00pm to 03:30pm

Doors opening hours

All doors in the Physics Department open between the hours of: Sunday through Thursday, 7:00 - 19:00.

The doors are closed on Fridays, Saturdays and days in which the Technion is closed due to vacation or holidays.

Entry during time when the doors are closed is made by using employees and faculty members magnetic card, if there is a problem with the card, please contact Miki.

Come & Visit Us

Lidow building entrance Lidow building entrance
Lidow Building - Home of the physics faculty Lidow Building - Home of the physics faculty
physics faculty building physics faculty building
physics faculty building physics faculty building
lecture hall lecture hall
Balcony on the 4th floor Balcony on the 4th floor
Physics Library Physics Library
Our Faculty