
The many faces of the Fisher-KPP equation

TYPEStatistical & Bio Seminar
Speaker:Prof. Bernard Derrida
Affiliation:Collège de France, Paris
Organizer:Yariv Kafri
Time:14:30 - 15:30
Location:Lewiner Seminar Room (412)

The Fisher KPP equation describes the growth of a stable region into an
unstable medium. It was introduced in 1937 both by the biologist and statistician Fisher and
by the mathematicians Kolmogorov, Petrovsky, Piscounov
to describe the propagation of a favorable gene in a population.
It is one of the classical examples of the problem of velocity
selection.  It also appears in many other contexts, ranging from the
theory of disordered systems and spin glasses to reaction diffusion
problems, branching Brownian motion and models of evolution with selection. 
This talk will try to review  the  main  classical  results on this
equation as well as some recent progress.