The hbar science club finished a fascinating year.
This academic year we renewed the faculty science club in its original format from years ago.
The science club at the hBar Café is designed to expand the student’s knowledge and encourage curiosity about current physics research. The meetings exposed the students (15-20 students towards the end of their bachelor’s degree) to cutting edge research in an open and inviting atmosphere with pizza and soft drinks.
The lecturers talked to the student eye to eye, using only the white board and seldom a presentation. The lecturers encouraged questions and an open conversation. The meetings are about 70-90 minutes, but more than once the interested students continued the "interrogation" and even visited the researcher’s laboratory.
This year’s lecturers (the order of the pictures is accordingly):
Ehud Behar, Astrophysics
"High energy signals from black holes and neutron stars"
Yael Shadmi, High energy physics, theoretical
“A question of spin”
Uri Sivan, Biophysics and statistical mechanics
"The Last nanometer"
Yosi Avron, Mathematical physics
"How does a quantum computer work and how does Shor’s algorithm crack RSA"
Noam Soker, Astrophysics
"The energy in a stellar explosion: The most natural thing in nature"
Eric Akkermans, Theoretical physics
"Quantum physics on fractal manifolds. From a fractal blackbody to fractal space time at Planck length"
David Gershoni, Experimental physics and quantum optics
"How to create entangled light"
Enrique Kajomovitz, High energy physics, experimental
"The Standard model and beyond"
Yoav Sagi, Atomic and molecular physics, experimental
"What can you do with the coldest matter in the universe?"