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Faculty Staff Of Undergraduate Studies

Avital Natanzon Sarid
Avital Natanzon Sarid
Teaching coordinator

Request of study vacation, personal matter related to study, set a meeting with the associate dean, request for exemption / reduction because of army service / illness, etc

 Lidow Complex (379) 

Prof. Shlomo Razamat
Prof. Shlomo Razamat
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies

 LITP (304)
 Office Hours: Sunday 09:30-10:30

Prof. Vincent Desjacques
Prof. Vincent Desjacques
Vice Dean and Undergraduate Advisor

 Lidow Complex (608) 
 Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30-11:30

Prof. Yoram Rozen
Prof. Yoram Rozen
Classification Tests + Exemptions

  Lidow Complex (712) 

Eti Maman
Eti Maman
Teaching coordinator

Curriculum, schedule, catalog update, exams, finalizing degrees, lecturers’ assignment

 Lidow Complex (375)

Ilana Savion
Ilana Savion
Teaching coordinator

Practitioners and Lab instructors - Employment and Assignment, Halls, practice and seminars assignment

 Lidow Complex (377) 