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2019 research day

2019 Physics Research Day

19 April 2019

On April 17th we held our annual Physics Research Day.

The day began with brief lectures by faculty members who exposed their research fields to undergraduate students at the faculty. Afterward, the graduate students presented posters about their work to their fellow students and to a committee of professors who chose the outstanding students:


PhD :

  1. Eran Lustig (optical demonstration of synthetic dimensions, M. Segev)
  2. Hadeel Khamis (mechanical forces, optical tweezer in nucleic-acids function, A. Kaplan)
  3. Eyal Bairey (Learning a local Hamiltonian from local measurements, N. Lindner) and Boris Timchenko (out of equilibrium quantum radiation, E.Akkerman)


MSc :

  1. Barry Ginat (Gravitational waves from in-spirals of compact objects, V. Desjacques, H. Perets)
  2. Chen Mor (superconducting Qbits, S. Hacohen-Gourgy)


At the end of the research day, Dr. Asasf Govari, a key person in the industry and graduate of the faculty, gave a fascinating lecture (see separate item).

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