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2021/22 Academic Year Opening Event - Outstanding Employees, KLA Awards in honor of academic excellence and Outstanding thesis Awards

08 November 2021

The Physics department gathered last week to celebrate the opening of the new academic year. During the gathering the Dean wished everyone a successful and fruitful academic year and presented several prizes.


Outstanding Employees

Cohen David
Hodara Ayala
Katz Yan


KLA Awards in honor of academic excellence

Hosin Ibraheem
Northey Julian
Klein Roi
Shtaif Omer
Strugatsky Alon


Outstanding Thesis awards

Valy & Nira Vardeny Prize -  Blumenthal Eliya
Jorgensen MSc Prize (In memory of Everet Bentley Jorgensen) – Ofir Arzi
Jorgensen PhD (In memory of Eric W. Jorgensen, J.D.)  - Orr Sela


Congratulations to all the winners!


2021 new year gathering


Outstanding Employees


KLA Prizes