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Wise telescope

Student visit to Mitzpe Ramon 2021

13 December 2021

The course "Introduction to Astrophysics and Cosmology" went on a study trip on Hanukkah to Mitzpe Ramon

led by course lecturer Ehud Behar and teaching assistant Roi Rahin.

The students visited the astronauts' training camp for a future mission to Mars, the D-MARS (Desert Mars Analog Ramon Station). After learning about the red planet and finding metals in the crater sand, they continued to the Wise Observatory and visited the Tel Aviv University Telescope. The 1-meter diameter telescope is the largest in the country.


The students closed the evening with a night observation of the crater sky with Venus, Jupiter and Saturn clearly visible to the naked eye. As darkness falls, the Milky Way will also be revealed to their eyes. Tired but satisfied, the group returned to Haifa, but not before lighting the first Hanukkah candle and eating sufganiyot.


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