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- News
- Venus transit 2012-6-6
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Azrieli Foundation - Call for Submission of Applications
- Technion Open Day 2013
- International Mathematics Competition for University Students 2013
- Higgs boson discovery - scientific breakthrough of 2012
- changes in the academic calendar 2013
- Retreat 2013
- Library opening hours during exams period
- Light and Matter - a group under the scientific management of Prof. Moti Segev was selected as Center of Excellence
- Purim party at the Faculty 25/2/13
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Spring 2012
- OASIS Prize Award - Prof. Lipson
- Krill Prize Awarded to Dr. Amit Kanigel
- The Henry Taub Prize to Dr. Amit Kanigel
- Ari Laor
- Alon Fellowship to New Physics Facutly Member, Dr. Lindner
- Technion challenge 2013
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Winter Semester2012-13
- conference honoring Yossi Avron 65 birthday
- Physics 2P Prize awarded to Renan Gross
- Library opening hours during exams period - spring semester 2013
- פרוייקט חלו"ם
- "The Quantum Universe" - a new Israeli Center of Research Excellence
- Researchers Night 2013
- Arthur L Schawlow Prize in Laser Science for 2014
- a delegation from the European Southern Observatory (ESO)
- IPS Student Prize Award to Shurik Yatom
- Mr David Agmon winner of Zilag prize
- Shurik Yatom winner of the Igor Alexeff outstanding student in plasma science award
- The “Zak phase” uncovered by Technion scientists is measured
- Retreat 2014
- Israel Prize for Prof. Mordechai Segev
- Library opening hours during exams period - winter semester 2014
- Krill Prize Awarded to Dr. Daniel Podolsky
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Spring Semester 2013
- Wigner Medal awarded to Professor Joshua Zak
- Tal Queller has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 NPSS Graduate Scholarship Award
- The Hunt for Neutrinos at the South Pole
- Prof. Segev Wins Israel Prize
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Winter Semester 2013-14
- Physics 2P Prize awarded to Pazit Politi
- Learning science through experimentation
- the Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science to Prof. Moti Segev
- Save the date – Retreat 2015
- Dr. Yoav Sagi
- The Technion Astronomy Club
- Cooperation between KLA Tencor and Physics Department continues!
- Landau Prize Awarded to Prof. David Gershoni
- Dr. Silvia Behar – Winner of Zilag prize
- Happy Hanukkah from Technion!
- APS Fellow - Prof. Boris Shapiro
- KLA Tencor spotlight day 24.12.2014
- IPS prize award to Prof. Daniel Podolsky
- Technion Astronomy Club 29.12.14
- Ido Kaminer won the 2014 Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Laser Science of the APS
- changes in the academic calendar sprins semester 2015
- Springer Thesis Award – Snir Gazit
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Spring Semester 2014
- Retreat 2015
- The 2015 Jacobs prize to Ofer Kfir
- Yanai prize awarded to the Physics Faculty
- Daniel Podolsky
- The Henry Taub Prize to Prof. Oren Cohen
- Prof. Moti Segev was elected as a Foreign Associate of the U.S NAS
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Winter Semester 2014-2015
- KLA Tencor Prize for excellence in research 2015
- Prof. Yossi Avron awarded Yanai Prize 2015
- Congratulations to Prof. Moti Segev
- APS Fellow - prof. Gronau Michael
- APS Fellow - prof. Krasik Yakov
- IPS Student Prize Award to Rivka Bekenstein
- KLA-Tencor Israel donated for advanced research laboratories and student scholarships
- Open Day for Graduate Students 2016
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Spring Semester 2015
- Congratulations to Netanel Lindner for winning Krill Prize 2016
- M24 meeting of FP7 collaboration
- 3D for Physics 3
- Yariv Kafri
- Israeli Physicists’ ‘Black Hole’ Could Finally Win Stephen Hawking Nobel Prize
- קול קורא להגשת מועמדות לפרסי הצטיינות לסטודנטים לתארים מתקדמים
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Winter Semester 2015-2016
- Prof. Noam Soker – Dean of Science in Technion campus in China
- Congratulations to Prof. Jeff Steinhauer
- Nobel prize in Physics, 2016
- אות המרצה מעורר ההשראה 2016 למוחמד עכאשה
- The Many-Moons Theory
- Excellence Scholarship winners 2017
- מצטייני נשיא ודיקן סמסטר אביב תשע"ו
- How Hydras Regrow Body Parts
- חמיס הדיל זוכת מלגת רות ואריגו פינצי ז"ל לשנת תשע"ז
- פרס גייקובס על פרסום מצטיין לעידו שוורץ
- Ofer Neufeld won the Adams PhD fellowship
- David Yanuka won the 2017 Arthur H. Guenther Pulsed Power Student Award.
- The Henry Taub Prize to Prof. Steinhauer Jeff
- Black Hole Winds: The Magnetic-Hydrodynamic Model
- אפרת סבח - זוכת מלגת רחל וסלים בנין
- יוסף זינאתי זוכה מלגת ותת לשנת תשע"ח
- Evgeni Grishin won the Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grant of BSF
- Congratulation to Amit Kanigel and his group
- Yoav Afik won a Daniel Scholarship for 2017-2018
- Yaroslav Don won a Jacobs Scholarship for 2017-2018
- Evgeni Grishin won a Jacobs Scholarship for 2017-2018
- Tomer Stav won a Gutwirth Scholarship 2017-2018
- Future of Semiconductor Lasing: Topological Insulator Lasers
- 2018 Zilag Award
- Haaretz interview with Prof. Lisa Randall
- Roy Rabaglia won a Ruth and Arrigo Finzi scholarship 2017-2018
- Eran Lustig won a Adams scholarship 2018-2019
- Interview with Prof. Adi Nusser (in Hebrew)
- Physics Research Day
- Simulations of the Electric Field of an accelerated charge
- women in physics event
- Dr. Rivka Bekenstein has won the prestigious Deborah Jin Award of the American Physical Society (APS)
- First identification of an astronomical source for a high-energy neutrino
- אופטיקה חדשה
- Interview with Prof. Hagai Perets (in Hebrew)
- Physics Nobel 2018
- Outstanding lecturers spring 2017/18
- Physics Project Courses
- Prize for excellence in admission to an advanced degree in physics
- Hanukkah party marking excellence
- The 64th annual meeting of the Israel Physical Society (IPS)
- Joshua Zak was elected as Fellow of the Israel Physical Society
- Toshiba Memory and KLA visit
- Technion Graduate Research Day
- Orr Sela won a Daniel Scholarship for 2017-2018
- Interview with Moti Segev on "Kan Bet"
- Prof. Uri Sivan Elected Technion President
- Anatoly Patsyk won a Jacobs Scholarship for 2018-2019
- Yonit Maroudas-Sacks won a Gutwirth Scholarship for 2018-2019
- Yonadav Barry Ginat won a Jacobs Scholarship for 2018-2019
- Students Visit to KLA, 20.02.19
- Physics Retreat, 25.02.19
- Outstanding lecturers winter 2018/19
- In memory of Shmuel Fishman
- Dr. Assaf Govari and Biosense Webster visit
- 2019 Physics Research Day
- Michal Lipson received the Comstock Prize in Physics
- Initiation ceremony of AFM experiment, donated by KLA
- Dr. Yaniv Tenenbaum Katan, a Technion-Physics graduate and the professional director of “Little Big, Science", was a guest at the faculty
- Orr Sela won the Clore Scholarship
- Yotam Soreq has been awarded an Azrieli Faculty Fellowship for 2019-2020
- Yang Cao, Itay Gissis and Alexander Rososhek received the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society student paper awards
- In memory of Gad Eilam
- Yulia Preezant won an Outstanding Technion Employee Award
- The hbar science club finished a fascinating year.
- New faculty member Yotam Soreq
- New faculty member Anna Frishman
- Meytal Siman Tov won the The Samuel Goldsmith Student Prize for her presentation in the 37th annual IVS conference
- New faculty member Michael Krueger
- Roi Rahin won the PhD Ramon Fellowship 2019
- Noa Kaplan won an Outstanding Poster Award at the European Southern Observatory (ESO)
- Outstanding lecturers spring 2018/19 – Itai Arad, Yariv Kafri
- Persistent outstanding lecturer - Muhammad Akashi
- Alexander Rososhek won the Igor Alexeff Outstanding Student in Plasma Science Award (PSAC)
- Japan Space Research Institute visit
- Oren Cohen promoted to Full Professor
- Hagai Perets won the ERC
- Moti Segev won the 2019 EMET Prize
- Tasneem Biadse won the Ariane de Rothschild scholarship
- kinneret keren promoted to Full Professor
- Omer Granek won a Sherman Scholarship for 2019-2020
- Gal Ness, Alexander Dikopoltsev and Yuval Abulafia won a Jacobs Scholarship for 2019-2020
- הדיל ח'מיס זכתה בפוסטר מצטיין (מקום שלישי) ביום המחקר הטכניוני 2020
- Aldana Grichener won a Ruth and Arrigo Finzi scholarship 2019-2020
- Ofer Neufeld won Israeli physical society prize for outstanding PhD student 2020
- Ofer Neufeld won the Technion Jacobs prize for best publication in exact science 2019-2020
- Omri Wengrowicz won the Daniel PhD fellowship 2019-2020
- In memory of Yakov Eckstein
- Oren Cohen and Pavel Sidorenko won the Hershel Rich Technion Innovation Award 2020
- Yonadav Barry Ginat won Adams scholarship
- The research of Yang Cao, student of Yakov Krasik has been picked as a featured article in Physics of Plasmas journal
- Kinneret Keren and Daniel Podolsky won the Morton and Beverley Rechler Prize for Excellence in Research
- Physics MSc program in Quantum Science and Technology
- Barak Katzir, Gal Ness, Liat Nemirovsky, Avior Elmualem, Asaf Diringer won the Helen Diller Quantum Center Scholarships
- Yossef Zenati won The Council for Higher Education (CHE) scholarship
- Avior Elmualem won the "Levzion" scholarship - Council for Higher Education (CHE) 2020-2021
- In memory of Jan Genossar
- Physics research week 23-27/08/20
- Doctor of Philosophy graduates
- Congratulations to the recipients of the Master of Science in Physics degree
- The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020
- Bachelor of Science in Physics ceremony
- Outstanding lecturers spring 2019/20
- Michal Lipson received the 2021 John Tyndall Award of the OSA and the IEEE
- Noa Zilberman won the "Outstanding women doctoral students in hi-tech" scholarship - Council for Higher Education (CHE) 2020-2021
- אייל בארי זכה במלגת "מפעל המלגות" לשנת תש"פ
- TechWomen 2020
- 2020/21 Academic year opening event and KLA awards for outstanding graduate students
- Calendar of Women Scientists Who Made Nuclear Astrophysics
- Yang Cao won the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Best Student Paper Award for the second time
- Yakov Krasik elevated to IEEE fellow and received the IEEE Magne “Kris” Kristiansen Award
- New joint program in Aerospace engineering and Physics
- 25 years since the passing of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Nathan Rosen
- Under the Corona menace: A new academic year has begun
- Omer Granek won a Gutwirth Scholarship for 2020-2021
- Visit to Mitzpe Ramon
- International Physics Olympiad 2020
- Gal Ness won the Technion Jacobs prize for best publication 2020-2021
- Yoram Rozen appointed new ASRI director
- Meteor camera installed in the faculty as part of an international network
- Frustrated Professor in the Time of Corona
- Colloquium in memory of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Nathan Rosen
- Physics Research Day 2021
- hBar Café meetings are back - sign up now!
- Assa Auerbach and Michael Gronau elected as Fellow of the Israel Physical Society
- Reuven Balkin won the Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship
- יום הזכרון לחללי מערכות ישראל ופעולות האיבה
- Outstanding Student Posters 2020 and 2021
- Outstanding lecturers winter 2020/21
- Oren Bergman the new director of The Lewiner Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Moti Segev elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Congratulations to our 2021 Doctor of Philosophy graduates
- Ofer Neufeld won the Schmidt science postdoctoral fellowship
- Annular Solar Eclipse
- Fancy Physicist 2021
- Congratulations to the recipients of the Master of Science in Physics degree
- Hila Glanz won the "Outstanding women doctoral students in hi-tech" scholarship - Council for Higher Education (CHE) 2021
- Hagai Perets won The Cooper Award for Excellence in Research
- Anna Keselman won the Israel's prestigious fellowship for a young faculty member In quantum science and technology
- Mor Rozner won the Azrieli Fellowship 2021-2022
- KLA spotlight day June 28th 2021
- Bachelor of Science in Physics ceremony 2021
- מתרגלים מצטיינים - סמסטר אביב תש"ף / חורף תשפ"א
- 2021 Technion Physics Research Week is underway
- מטר הפרסאידים 2021
- Bachelor of Science in Physics ceremony 2020
- International Physics Olympiad 2021
- Yang Cao won the 2020 Arthur H. Guenther Pulsed Power Student Award
- Remembering Jan Genossar
- Happy new 2021/22 academic year from the physics department
- Eran Lustig won the Zuckerman scholarship 2021/22 to pursue a doctorate abroad
- New Chairman of the Physics Student Committee and the committee’s activities
- Liat Nemirovsky Levy won the "Quantum science and technology" scholarship - Council for Higher Education (CHE) 2021-2022
- Outstanding lecturers spring 2020/21
- 2021/22 Academic Year Opening Event - Outstanding Employees, KLA Awards in honor of academic excellence and Outstanding thesis Awards
- Chandrima Banerjee won the highly prestige Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities Excellence post-doc Fellowship
- Oren Cohen elected to become fellow of Optica society
- Student visit to Mitzpe Ramon 2021
- Obituary Professor Emeritus Colman Altman
- 7th TechWomen Event at the Technion hosted by our graduate Efrat Sabach
- Research Professor Nathan Rosen, 1909-1995
- The James Webb Space Telescope has Launched
- Ph.D. Excellence Scholarships and Awards December 2021
- The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021
- New faculty member Anna Keselman
- Upcoming Physics Research Day – 24.02.22
- Aleksey Generozov won the Zuckerman Scholarship for postdoctoral fellows
- Yonit Maroudas-Sacks won first place in the Technion Research Poster competition 2022
- Rafael-Academia Research Day 23.2.22
- Yosi Avron elected as a Fellow of the Israel Physical Society
- Eran Lustig is IPS Asher Peres Prize Winner for Experimental Students 2022
- Rafael-Academia Research Day 23/02/2022
- Technion-Physics Research Day 24/02/22
- Prof. Emeritus Joshua Zak will be awarded the 2022 Israel Prize in the Field of Physics and Chemistry Research
- Noa Zilberman | Wandering in the fields of space and time
- Course “Report On Research Activity” 114227: Join us to learn about current research in physics
- Scientific Discoveries Course 114010/11 – for those who are interested in science
- Hershel Rich Innovation Award 2022
- Postdoctoral Scholarships 2022
- Daniel Maler won the 2022 NPSS Barker Graduate Student Award
- Omer Granek won a Adams scholarship 2022
- Prof. Adi Nusser - 26'th Technion Physics Dean
- Prof. Emeritus Joshua Zak will light a torch on Thursday at the closing ceremony of the Holocaust remembrance day
- Technion Fizzicast – special episode: Prof. Emeritus Joshua Zak
- Gil Ben-Ari won the Clore Scholarship 2022-2023
- יום הזכרון לחללי מערכות ישראל ופעולות האיבה
- Congratulations to our 2022 Doctor of Philosophy graduates
- Half-day workshop on non-conventional teaching 2022
- Roi Rahin won the Zuckerman fellowship for postdocs 2022-23
- Congratulations to the recipients of the Master of Science in Physics degree 2022
- Bachelor of Science in Physics ceremony 2022
- CHE scholarship in quantum science and technology 2022
- Happy New Jewish Year
- Amir Figenboim - Outstanding Employee
- Happy new 2022/23 academic year from the physics department
- 2022 Round tables event of the physics students
- Outstanding lecturers spring 2021/22
- Julia Salh won the Parasol Foundation Women in SpaceIL scholarship
- 8th TechWomen Event at the Technion
- 2022/23 Haknukah gathering and KLA Awards
- Graduate Excellence Scholarships Dec. 2022
- Professor Yakov Krasik won the prestigious PSAC award
- It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Prof. Emeriti Jacques Goldberg
- 2023-24 Rothschild Fellows: Yonit Maroudas-Sacks and Yonadav Barry Ginat
- Outstanding teaching assistants Spring 2021/22
- Physics Retreat 2023
- Congratulations to the plasma group
- Prof. David Gerhoni elected as Fellow of the Israel Physical Society
- Outstanding lecturers Winter 2022/23
- the IAU Symposium 378 - Black Hole Winds at all scales
- Lev Petrovich Pitaevskii
- Outstanding teaching assistants Winter 2022/23
- Congratulations to the recipients of the Master of Science in Physics degree 2023
- Congratulations to the recipients of the Bachelor of Science in Physics degree 2023
- Nevo Werner-Reiss won the Best Student Poster Award in ATTO9: the 9th International conference on attosecond science and technology
- Shana Tova from the Technion Physics Department
- Nadav Orion won the CHE scholarship in quantum science and technology 2023-4
- Astrophysics and Cosmology Student conference 22/08/23
- Stronger Together
- Let there be light
- Distinguished Prof. Mordechai (Moti) Segev won the Rothschild Prize
- Outstanding lecturers Spring 23
- The physics department welcomes the 2023/24 academic year
- Excellence awards and scholarships
- Professor Emeritus Joshua Zak, 1929 – 2024
- Technion Physics open day for graduate studies - 14/04/24
- Professor Emeritus Emil Polturak, 1948 – 2024
- Memorial Day - Yom HaZikaron
- Excellence awards and scholarships
- Outstanding teaching assistants Spring 2023
- The 69th Annual Israel Physics Society Meeting
- Scientific Discoveries Course – for those who are interested in science
- Dr. Yonadav Barry Ginat won the IAU PhD Prize 2023
- In memory of Joshua Felsteiner
- President’s and Dean’s Award for Excellence spring 2022/23
- Outstanding Lecturers 2022/23
- Prof. Kinneret Keren awarded APS Fellowship
- Outstanding teaching assistants Winter 2023/4
- Evgeny Kolonsky Outstanding Employee
- 2024 MSc ceremony
- Hanukkah-Christmas celebration and KLA awards 2024
- Student Excellence awards 2024
- Yan Katz - Outstanding Technion Employee
- Professor Assa Auerbach (10 January 1956 - 4 February 2025)
- Iftah Galon Receives 2025 Frontiers of Science Award
- Excellence Scholarships 2025
- Good Deeds Day 2025
- Outstanding teaching assistants Spring 2024
- Research Bits
- Oren Cohen won the ERC for mid-career researchers
- Kinneret Keren won the ERC for mid-career researchers
- Shlomo Razamat won the Jacob Bekenstein Prize in theoretical physics for a young faculty member
- Interview with Shay Hacohen-Gourgy | Superconducting quantum circuits as a test bed for quantum computers
- Interview with Vincent Desjacques | Understanding the structure formation in the Universe
- The research of David Yanuka, Sasha Rososhek and Yakov Krasik has been featured on the cover of Journal of Applied Physics
- The research of Sasha Rososhek and the team of Yakov Krasik has been picked as a featured article in Physics of Plasmas journal
- Ari Laor and Ehud Behar are part of an International team reviewing in Nature Astronomy the radio emission from radio-quiet active galaxies
- Jeff Steinhauer and his group measure Hawking radiation from an acoustic analog black hole
- The Hubble telescope discovered a surprising accretion disk around a black hole
- Physics research week 02-05/09/19
- A Scientist's Tiny Black Hole Brings the Cosmos Into the Lab
- Dr.Yotam Soreq Probing New Physics at Precision Frontier
- Prof. Ari Turner Topological Excitations in the Entanglement of Ground States Technion
- A journey across universes through a black hole - sci-fi or reality?
- The formation of the "snow man" at the edge of the solar system
- Between turbulence and transmission theory – Prof. Anna Frishman
- Nature cover: Observation of branched flow of light
- Electrons in the Time of Corona | Interview with Dr. Michael Krüger
- Yotam Soreq interviewed in Scientific American
- Smooth transition between two ground states in a quantum impurity system was discovered by Yoav Sagi's group
- PhD student Eran Lustig and collaborators developed a method for identifying unexpected topological phase transitions (published in PRL)
- What is hidden between the galaxies? Article by Roi Rahin
- Jeff Steinhauer and his group observed stationary spontaneous Hawking radiation and followed its time evolution
- The research of Daniel Maler and the team of Yakov Krasik was picked as a featured article in the Journal of Applied Physics
- Tasneem Watad featured on the Technion website
- Interviews with Jeff Steinhauer
- The Technion launched the “Adelis-SAMSON” mission
- A closer look at a black hole | Article by Roi Rahin
- The GALI experiment led by Ehud Behar and Shlomit Tarem will be launched to the International Space Station
- Interview Yossef Zenati | Physics alumni and Supernova researcher
- Yakov Krasik’s team published two papers in Physics of Plasmas on June 2021, one also featured in AIP’s Scilight
- Breaking the Diffraction Limit
- On chaos, drunks and a Solution to the Chaotic Three-Body Problem – the research of Yonadav Barry Ginat and Hagai Perets
- Technion Physics Research Week 2021
- The research of Yonadav Barry Ginat and Hagai Perets featured in Haartez and “Three who know"
- A glimpse to Asher Space Research Institute
- Open Ph.D. and Postdoctoral positions
- Tiny Lasers Acting Together as One: Topological Vertical Cavity Laser Arrays
- Autumn 2021 Technion Magazine
- Quantum Marbles in a Bowl of Light
- The Helen Diller Quantum Center PodQuantum
- GALI - The 35th experiment of “Rakia”: discovering Gamma in space (ynet)
- TECHNION FIZZICAST – Adi Nusser and Efrat Sabach talk Cosmology
- Conference in memoriam of Shmuel Fishman, 16-19.5.2022
- Noam Soker won the Morton and Beverley Rechler Prize for Excellence in Research 2022
- First ever image of the massive blackhole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy
- Analogue of cosmological particle creation in an ultracold quantum fluid of light
- Daniel Maler won the IEEE NPSS 2022 outstanding student paper award
- Beyond the standard model – the quest continues
- A glimpse into the origins of the universe
- Mor Rozner won the American Astronomical Society Duncombe Student Research Prize 2022
- Technion Physics Research Week 11-15.09.2022
- A once-in-500-year event
- How fast can a quantum computer get?
- Surprising discoveries about the development of the rings around the "Southern Ring Nebula"
- Let There Be Entangled Light
- Research Day 2023
- Distinguished Lecture Series
- Announcing ASCOS III - Astrophysics & Cosmology Student Conference 22/08/23
- Physics Research Week 2023
- SNeX - SuperNova EXplosions conference
- Topology and Physics on Mount Carmel - Conference honoring topological physics pioneer Prof. Joshua Zak hosted by the Technion
- The Dual Role of Black Holes in Galaxies – cosmic spark plugs for star formation
- Ron Grikshtas & Yakov Krasik’s group published a paper selected as Editor’s pick
- Research Week 2024 announcement
- First X-ray images from XRISM Space Telescope
- Yoav Sagi’s group demonstrated controlled transfer of atoms using coherent tunneling between "optical tweezers"
- Physics Research Week 2024
- Dr. Shmuel Bialy Won the Prestigious GIF Grant
- Undergraduate
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- People
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